Your Liquidity after Finalize.
Our System adds your liquidity to the given Dexes when you press the Button FINALIZE at the end of a successful PRESALE.
CRONOS = PhotonSwap
BSC = PancakeSwap V2
ETH = Uniswap V2
xDai = SushiSwap
Matic = QuickSwap
KCC = KoffeeSwap
AVAX = Pangolin
Fantom = SpookySwap
Harmony = SushiSwap
Ropsten = UniSwapV2
BSCTestnet = PancakeV1
**We got no way to Block or Unlock locked Liquidity on our Platform, our Lockers are not in our Control.
If you lock for example 70% of your liquidity you will get the remaining amount of BNB/ETH/... 30% to the wallet of the initator of the presale.**
Last updated
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