How to Start a Presale?

If you want to start a presale make sure you know and understand your sourcecode (Only if you are not using DexPad Standard Token Minter).

Here is a Checklist for what to do before starting:

  1. I understand the Functions of my Contract.

  2. I did disable all special transfer functions in my contract (Specially if its Liquidity generator token like SafeMoon).

  3. I disabled all fees or anything similar while I do my presale (Specially if its Liquidity generator token like SafeMoon).

  4. If I limit the Max Tokens per Wallet or Max Transaction Amount I did set this to 100% of my supply.

  5. I didn't renounce ownership of my contract.

  6. I am aware of what Liquidity is.

  7. I didn't add Tokens to the DEX already (THIS IS MUST, Otherwise Presale Will Fail).

Video Tutorials are here:

in Turkish:

English Video coming soon. ****

Last updated